France: 4 prostitution networks broken up in one week

In one week, four prostitution networks were broken up in France, leading to about thirty arrests. That fact is remarkable, especially since months of investigation and surveillance were necessary before making the arrests.


These are four networks that, despite their different forms, places of operation, and nationalities, are quite representative of prostitution in France today: younger and younger victims, considerable profits, and ever present violence.



4 réseaux de prostitution démantelés en une semaine


- Nantes/Niort/Bordeaux/Paris... Armenian network, 14 arrests


- Poitiers: Nigerian network, more than 3 arrests


- Limoges: South American network, 8 arrests


- Nice: Romanian network, 5 arrests


-Poitiers- Nigerian prostitution network, street prostitution; women were under the authority of madams.


- Nice- Street prostitution, Romanian network; the youngest of the victims was barely 18 years old. Violence: the young women were victims of rape as well as physical and verbal violence. 10,000 euro in cash was seized andWestern Union money orders had also been sent to Romania.


- Limoges and the region: South American network (the head of the network is Ecuadorean). Houses were turned into brothels, with advertisements on the Internet.


- Nantes with ramifications for several cities in France: Niort, Poitiers, Rochefort, the Paris region. A very organized Armenian criminal network with very violent methods: the women were visited in their rooms by men who pretended to be clients and who then offered “protection” to the women in exchange for money. The network had amassed between 600,000 and 1,000,000 euro.