Espace presse

Save Yazidis from the Daesh Claws and put an end to an unpunished crime

sex trafficking At a time when 23 year old Nadia Murad, a Yazidis woman, appointed UNODC Goodwill Ambassador for the dignity of survivors of human trafficking, the genocide perpetrated by Daesh against the Yazidi community goes on.

Nadia Murad Basee Taha was appointed Ambassador to the UN for the dignity of victims of human trafficking on September 16. Abducted in 2014, and sold several times by Daech, Nadia Murad managed to escape after a three months captivity and sexual slavery.


Today, she argues that the persecutions committed against Yazidis are considered genocide. The girls become sex slaves, while boys are indoctrinated and sent to combat. Beside her, Amal Clooney, an international lawyer specializing in human rights, is committed to defending the Yazidi cause and prosecuting into International Criminal Court.

More >>>  «  Terrorism and sexual exploitation » and the sexual violence Daesh strategy


Tell The Horror of Sexual Terrorism

Like thousands of other victims, Nadia Murad was taken prisoner by the end of the summer of 2014 after the Daesh offensive on Mount Sinjar (in Northern Iraq). Like other young yazidi women, she ended up in the hands of fighters, was raped, exchanged, sold, and enslaved by this terrorist organization.


« For all the women I saw who were imprisoned or were able to leave or escape, to all of them something happened, none has escaped rape » she confided to the Scelles Foundation last february *.

 Audio 1


Since then, she has testified relentlessly against the horror of the situation to many heads of states and organizations, yet thousands of women still undergo this sexual slavery :

« This lost freedom was not found for those still captive ... ».*

 Audio 2


It is time to act, especially as it was explained to you at the UN tribune :

« My biggest fear is that, once Daesh is defeated, Daesh activists, terrorists Daech might shave their beards hide among the crowd as if nothing had happened. We can not let that happen ».


Be the leader of the legal fight

This is also the meaning of the speech of the lawyer Amal Clooney, the new representative of the cause of the Yazidis, who said when Nadia Murad was appointed, that the jihadist group Islamic State was guilty of genocide and had to assume :

« We know that thousands of Yezidi women were enslaved by this terrorist organization that has publicly declared its intention to commit a genocide. The EI should be accountable. ».

The lawyer lamented to the lack of action of governments :

« I am ashamed as a human being to find that their cries for help are not heard, she added, whereas the slave markets are still running »,


Amal Clooney believes that, to date, the States and the UN have failed to protect this persecuted community. According to the United Nations, the Islamic State group has already enslaved about 7,000 women and girls, mostly from the Yazidi minority, and over 3000 of them are still kept in captivity.


Nadia Murad Basee Taha was received in France in the premises Mouvement du Nid in Clichy. This meeting was facilitated by CAP International which was co-founded by the Scelles Foundation.


Learn More
- Appointment Ceremony of Ms. Nadia Murad Basee Taha for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking on the Occasion of the International Day of Peace (september 16)
- "Terrorism and sexual exploitation" from "Prostitution : Exploitation, Persecution, Repression", 4th Global Report by Fondation Scelles

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