Residence Permit
If a prostitute is a victim of human trafficking, she is guaranteed protection for trade victims. If she is a minor, whether legal or not, she benefits; theoretically, from protection for minors.
A residence permit allows you to stay in France more than 3 months after your entry. If you stay in France for more than 3 months, without a permit, you will be considered as staying illegaly.
In order to obtain a Temporary Residency Permit of at least six months, with the right to work, one must have broken all connections with the offensor (trafficker, procurer).
This permit is renewable depending on your personal situation and/or your cooperation with the authorities for investigations or criminal procedures.
The permit is renewable for the duration of the legal proceedings and may result in a residency of ten years once the conviction of the accused is final.
In the event that there is no conviction, a ministerial "circulaire" invites to consider the possibility of maintaining the right to stay.
You will be provided with free legal assistance and can obtain a compensation, before the judge, for the damage caused by the offense.
Global Report 4
Global Report 3
Global Report 2