It would make you rich and famous. It’d be pleasant and fulfilling ̶ pleasurable even. It’d satisfy men and women alike. It could even reduce male violence.
If we believed the media, films, series and social networks, we’d think that teenage girls work so hard in the hope of being admitted one day to an MBA in John Management offering them unique opportunities in brothels around the world. It makes one wonder if demand could ever keep up with all this supply...
Deep down, we know that the dominant depiction of prostitution is what it is: a mere fiction. And a convenient one: if we don’t see what is right under our eyes, perhaps it will all get better. In any case, it’s none of our business.
Or maybe it is?
Facing what happens right under our eyes: that’s what we tried to do. We invited journalists, researchers, activists, survivors that have fought for years for the rights of women not to be prostituted to express themselves. Each week, we’ll host a new speaker that will tell us about the reality of sexual and reproductive exploitation, the very one we don’t want to see or listen to.
Sous nos yeux, which means Right Under Our Eyes, is available on major podcast platforms: Spotify, Soundcloud, Deezer, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Audioblog. Some episodes will be in English others in French. If you enjoy it, please share and leave a review on Apple Podcasts so that others can hear these important voices.