Espace presse

My Health

Universal Health Care Coverage (Couverture Maladie Universelle- CMU)

Not available for illegal foreigners. Every person who has lived in France for at least 3 months benefits from a mandatory social insurance. It only entitles the reimbursement of consultations, treatments and medications. The other incurred costs are borne by the patients or associations who represent them..


State Medical Assistance (Aide médicale d'Etat-AME)

The Aide médicale d'Etat (AME) allows illegal foreigners to benefit from healthcare under certain conditions. Every person (French or foreigner) in custody can benefit from AME, if their health requires it.
If you benefit from AME, and, subsequently, your residecy status changes, you will benefit from health insurance either because you work or by the basic Universal Healthcare Coverage (CMU). You can also benefit from the complementary CMU, depending on your resources.

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The Scelles Foundation in the press

  • (ES - Milenio) El ser humano no está a la venta
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