Espace presse

We have to recognize the risks that internet’s criminal misuse poses

Event on “Combating Online Sex Trafficking: confronting challenges, forging cooperation”.

Statement by Mr. François Delattre, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations - 14 March 2018


We have to recognize the risks that internet’s criminal misuse poses

Photo by Permanent mission of France to the United Nations in New York


« Ladies and gentleman,

Thank you for your kind word of introduction. It is a great honor and pleasure to be here with you this evening to speak about a very important issue and a shared priority, combating online sex trafficking.

I would like to start by expressing my warmest thanks to all of you with a special word of appreciation to our partners and co-hosts for organizing this meeting. I would like to start with Yves Charpenel, President of the Scelles Foundation, who is a source of inspiration and admiration, with a special word also to Yves Scelles, the representative of the family here and vice-president of The Scelles Foundation – a foundation whose commitment to our common cause is truly exemplary. My warmest thanks also to Proskauer, our host tonight, it is very important to be with you and I also know your commitment to this fight. I also want to thank Sanctuary for Families and the Thomson Reuters Foundation. It is a great privilege to be part of this conversation, which has become one of our vital, crucial causes at the UN, where we have developed over the last year a strong French-American partnership at the Security Council and at the UN as a whole with my colleague Nikki Haley, including on this very cause. So these exchanges with representatives from civil society and the private sector are always extremely important and valuable. We, as France, want to remain at the forefront of the international efforts to fight against online sex trafficking.


Combating Online Sex Trafficking

Colloquium during the 62nd session of the UNCSW brings together key players in the global fight against online sex trafficking: policy makers, tech companies, law firms, law enforcement, business leaders, NGOs to confront challenges and forge cooperation


Participant Kit Combating Online Sex Trafficking Colloquium March 14 2018 New York


Le 17 juin, venez courir contre l’exploitation sexuelle pour la 1ère Course des Héros de la Fondation Scelles !

Vous dLogo Course des Hérosésirez soutenir la lutte contre l'exploitation sexuelle ? Rejoignez-nous pour la Course des Héros, le plus  grand événement sportif et caritatif de France, qui se déroulera le dimanche 17 juin 2018 au Parc de Saint-Cloud à Paris. Cette année, la Fondation Scelles sera sur la ligne de départ.


Source : page Facebook course des héros ©


Lettre à un ami

Hubert de Roux vient de nous quitter. Présent dès les premiers jours de la Fondation Scelles, il a grandement contribué à son rayonnement. Secrétaire Général à partir de 1994, il a été des premiers combats avec Philippe Scelles puis Marta Torres Herrero, Sandra Ayad, Claude Alexandre, Rolland et Christiane Grosse, Antoine Fortunato.


Jusqu’à la fin récente de ses activités à la Fondation, Hubert de Roux s’est attaché, avec Philippe Scelles, puis avec Yves Charpenel, son Président, à développer et renforcer la Fondation Scelles et ses équipes.


Toute la Fondation le remercie et lui rend hommage.


Philippe Scelles, Hubert de Roux



tweets by Fond_Scelles

The Scelles Foundation in the press

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