Espace presse

Sexual exploitation : a growing menace

Book Sexual exploitation a growing-menace 2014For the third year in a row, Fondation Scelles presents a global report on the state of sexual exploitation. This past year was particularly beneficial for traffickers, and the various analyses in the report confirm the true intensity and the adaptability of these organized criminals who are, in France as well as in the rest of the world, becoming more and more prevalent in the practice and networking of prostitution.
The case studies, country by country, with a close eye on the principal trends of sexual exploitation today, confirm the growing threats to our societies.

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« Exploitation sexuelle - Une menace qui s'étend », éditions Economica, 628 pages, 27 euros. Disponible sur /


International Call of 13 November: it is by law that we will get the Abolition of Prostitution

appel 13novembreThe first congress organised by the Coalition for the Abolition of prostitution took place on 12 and 13 November in Paris, in the Victor Hugo Room of the National Assembly in Paris. Survivors of prostitution, union representatives and parliamentarians have been working on theme « Prostitution and trafficking in human beings in the world : an exploitation of the most vulnerable groups ».


International Abolitionist Congress

congres abolitionniste 2014The Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution (CAP international), The Mouvement du Nid and the Fondation Scelles are pleased to invite you to this original international conference, where will address representatives of movements of indigenous, migrant women and ethnic minorities; survivors of prostitution; Representatives of trade unions and parliamentarians.

This conference, « Prostitution and trafficking in human beings in the world : an exploitation of the most vulnerable groups », revolves around four strategic panel


743 km for the abolition of prostitution

rosen 14octobre 2014Elle était partie seule, à pied, de Saintes le 3 septembre. Mais c'est avec plusieurs centaines de sympathisants que Rosen Hicher est arrivée à Paris dimanche 12 octobre.

En 34 jours et 743 km, Rosen a refait le parcours de ses années de prostitution. Du salon de massage de Saintes, dernier lieu de prostitution en 2009, au bar à hôtesse de la rue du Colisée où, en mars 1988, Rosen a vécu "(la) première passe, (le) premier client, (les) premiers pas dans l'enfer de la prostitution".


Remise des prix 2014


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The Scelles Foundation in the press

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