Espace presse

The Scelles Foundation has been heard by the GRETA, the experts group on the fight against human trafficking of the European Council

La Fondation Scelles a été entendue par le Groupe d’experts sur la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains (GRETA) On September 5th 2016, joined by the member associations of the Collective: Together against the human trade, Yves Charpenel, the president of the Scelles Foundation and First Public prosecutor at the supreme court of cassation and François Vignaud who is in charge of the institutional relations of the Scelles Foundation, were received in Paris by the representatives of the GRETA (experts group on the fight against human trafficking of the European Council), on the occasion of the group’s second assessment visit from September 5th until September 9th 2016.
These experts are responsible for watching the implementation by the State Parties of the Convention of the European Council on the fight against human trafficking dated May 16th 2005 (article 38, subsection1 of the Convention).

A most significant observatory of the sexual exploitation and its evolutions, the Scelles Foundation delivered its analysis of the new trends of the phenomenon in France and throughout the world, of the measures engaged to counter it and of the policies for prevention, proceeding of the perpetrators and protection of the victims’ rights.


Should we worry about the last report on prostitution in UK ?

diapo article rapportuk juillet2016If the Nordic model has gained significant support in Europe with the French law of 13 April 2016 strengthening the fight against the prostitution system, the report published by the Home Affairs Select Committee in the UK reveals a reluctance in the British political class for this type of model and a preferance for the New Zealand approach.



Watching the implementation of the abolitionist law

Assemblee nationale 02The Scelles Foundation was consulted on May 17th by the staff of the Cabinet of Mrs Rossignol, the Secretary of State for families, childhood and women’s rights. Mr Dubois, a diplomatic adviser and Mrs Claire Guiraud, an adviser on women’s rights, have received Messrs Charpenel and Vignaud for a general overview of the Foundation’s activities and commitments: World Report, Foundations Scelles Awards, relations with international authorities and judiciaries. Mrs Rossignol appeals to the Foundation to sit in the watch committee for the implementation of the abolitionist law voted last April.


Ms Beryl Brown, the 2016 Scelles Foundation award winner for the best pleading is the guest of Radio Notre Dame

beryl ceremonie2016Ms Beryl Brown, the 2016 jury award winner and the public award winner for the best speech for the defence, is the guest of the meeting program which is presented by Juliette Loiseau on Radio Notre-Dame. She recalls her speech for the Scelles Foundation Awards and the major importance of the denunciation of the violent sexual exploitation: “In order to understand the prostitution phenomenon, you have to understand how young women and young men ended up there; vulnerability is one main decisive factor…”.

Radio Notre-Dame Podcast

Beryl Brown pleading for the Scelles Foundation Awards



CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS ! The third session of the Fondation Scelles awards against sexual exploitation has come to an end

les lauréats 2016Last June 24th, The 2016 Scelles Foundation Awards giving ceremony took place in the solemn Paris Bar library, in the presence of the candidates, the professional jury, the partners and the public who were welcome by Ms Dominique Attias, the vice-leader of the barristers.


Once more, the Fondation Scelles Awards represent an achievement resulting from a collective action led by young people, university and high school students, lawyers, journalists, judges, photographers who appropriated this complex and often unknown issue, by key figures from the juridical, media and political spheres, who paid attention to these young people’s creations and by associative and educational managers who worked at transmitting values in relation with committing oneself and altruism.


tweets by Fond_Scelles

The Scelles Foundation in the press

  • (ES - Milenio) El ser humano no está a la venta
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