Espace presse

Prostitution : Ireland prohibits the purchase of sexual acts

After a long debate, Ireland finally adopts the Nordic model, like Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Canada and, more recently, France (2016), but also Northern Ireland (2015) which was the 1st UK region to have the purchase of a sexual act sentenced. The Fondation Scelles greets this major victory and invites all to support this abolitionist outburst.


l'Irlande pénalise l'achat d'actes sexuels



Traite des êtres humains : Dispositifs législatifs et Nouvelles tendances

Jean-Michel Cailliau, Avocat Général à la Cour de Cassation Et Responsable du Pôle Juridique et Judiciaire à la Fondation Scelles intervient aujourd’hui dans le cadre d’un séminaire à la DACG (Direction des Affaires Criminelles et des Grâces ) sur la traite des êtres humains à des fins d’exploitation sexuelle.


Séminaire sur la traite 

Le Magistrat s’exprimera sur les nouvelles tendances du phénomène régulièrement analysées par les équipes de la Fondation Scelles alors qu'approche la date anniversaire de la loi du 13 avril 2016 visant à renforcer la lutte contre le système prostitutionnel et à accompagner les personnes prostituées.


SAVE THE DATE! Scelles Foundation Awards 4th edition: the youth commit themselves against prostitution and trade with purposes of sexual exploitation

Save the date 9 mars 2017

This year, the Fondation Scelles Awards 4th edition will start with the best pleading contest: young people get engaged against prostitution and trade with purposes of sexual exploitation. The secretaries of the Paris bar conference will have to plead on the theme of the concrete enforcement of the April 13th 2016 law intending to reinforce the fight against the prostitution system and accompany prostituted persons.



Concours de plaidoiries 15 décembre 2016 à 18h30 à l'auditorium du Barreau


Scelles Foundation Award 2017 : The Best Visual contest

It is the third consecutive year that the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière has joined the Fondation Scelles in its pedagogical curriculum. A guarantee of trust, esteem and commitment. Within the framework of the session "Communication visuelle", 16 young people will work on the "sex-buyers", as a co-responsible actor of sexual exploitation.


Visuel Prix Fondation Scelles 2016 


Prostitution: Ireland chooses the Nordic Model

Drapeau Irlande

After Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Canada, Northern Ireland and France, Ireland adopts the legislation that removes the offence of soliciting and ends the impunity of the sex-buyers by criminalizing the purchase of sex act. The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2015 was passed last night by a majority of parliamentarians. The Scelles Foundation is pleased with this new abolitionist victory and welcomes the associations, activists survivors, parliamentarians and civil society organizations that have succeeded in achieving this result after years of struggle.


Press Release Ruhama
PRESS RELEASE OF Ruhama, member of CAP international, a coalition of 18 abolitionist frontline NGOs, including the Scelles Foundation


tweets by Fond_Scelles

The Scelles Foundation in the press

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