Yves Charpenel, Président de la Fondation Scelles et Premier Avocat général à la Cour de cassation, participe ce 27 avril 2017 à un Colloque sur "La lutte contre la traite et l'exploitation sexuelle des êtres humains : quel programme d'action dans une société de changement ?", à la Cité Miroir de Liège. Il présentera la loi française contre le système prostitutionnel adoptée le 13 avril 2016, dans son contenu et son application, et rappellera l'importance de l'engagement de la Justice dans ce combat contre un crime organisé à l'échelle internationale dont sont victimes des millions de personnes.
On Tuesday April 4th, the Fondation Scelles attended a breakfast coordinating meeting organized by the Ministry for Family, Children and Women’s Rights. Chaired by Minister Laurence Rossignol, the meeting gathered the associations who attended the CSW 61 in New York a few weeks prior, to share their impressions and sentiments.
Scheduled a few weeks before the presidential election, this breakfast also addressed matters from previous monthly meetings set up by Minister Rossignol, who is anxious to maintain a regular contact with the associations fighting for women’s rights.
Laurence Rossignol concluded this last meeting by recalling the current regression for women’s rights on the national and international levels. For example, the increase of conservatism and extremism, and reoccurring sexist speeches. Faced with these threats against women’s rights, she urged the associations to continue their efforts by building a common front, refusing intellectual complacency, and always supporting the fight against violence towards girls and women.
Today the Fondation Scelles celebrates the 1st anniversary of the law reinforcing the fight against the prostitution system, adopted by the National Assembly after a two-year-long combat. Although it is too early to measure the law’s efficiency, achievements can already be observed. The law is being implemented at an unusual speed, thanks to the government’s willingness and the associations’ mobilization under the 2012 Abolition banner.
In the framework of the 61st session of the Commission on the situation of women (CSW) in New-York, the Fondation Scelles organized a conference on the strategies to combat the prostitution system, with its international partners. With a numerous audience, the presence of the Minister for Families, Childhood and Women’s Rights, outstanding contributors, the magnificent setting of the general Consulate in New-York, everything turned this meeting into a strong moment of exchanges and speech for the cause.
Laurence Rossignol, the French Minister of Families, Childhood and Women’s rights; Yves Charpenel, deputy state prosecutor of the Supreme Court of France and president of the Scelles Foundation; Rachel Moran, founder and executive director of SPACE International and author of the bestseller “Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution”; and Taina Bien-Aimé, executive director of Coalition Aginst Trafficking in Women (CATW) Will be in New York (6:30 pm) tonight to discuss the French law of April 13, 2016 and the global strategies against trafficking and sexual exploitation alongside CAP International on the occasion of the Commission on the Status of Women: CSW61