Espace presse

The interministerial evaluation mission of the Law of 13 April 2016 shows that when the law is fully implemented, it works

Evaluation de la loi du 13 avril 2016

The interministerial evaluation mission of the Law of 13 April 2016 calls for political impetus, human and financial resources to remove blockages and respond to challenges.

The Report was eagerly awaited by both abolitionist and opponents alike. to the law, which is still regularly under attack (most recently by an appeal to the ECHR in April 2020).

It's the result of a nine-month survey punctuated by travel, more than 200 people met, and a series of questionnaires addressed to public prosecutors, prefects and Regional Health Agencies, conducted by three Inspectorates: the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs, the General Inspectorate of Administration and the General Inspectorate of Justice.


It provides a precise inventory of the implementation of the law, an analysis of the blocking points and facilitating factors, and proposes 28 recommendations to extend and optimize the application of all aspects of the law throughout the country.


The Report highlights the progress made:

- +54% of criminal proceedings for pimping and trafficking in human beings

- 7X increase in the number of identified victims of trafficking in human beings

 - 395 exit programs since 2016

- 90% of the prefects questioned consider the departmental commissions to combat prostitution to be useful (page 118).

- nearly 5,000 sex-buyers arrested (799 in 2016, 2072 in 2017, 1939 in 2018)


These results show once again that, when the law is fully implemented, it works.


However, its implementation implementation remains uneven and heterogeneous. As of October 2019, the findings of the local implementation assessment study of the law in 4 cities and co-financed by Fondation Scelles and DGCS, were already calling for a full implementation of the law on The report also made nine recommendations, which are more or less the same as the 28 recommendations made in this report.

>>> READ

Open Letter

On the 13th of April, the FondationScelles submitted an open letter to the Secretary of State for Equality between Women and Men. In that letter, we recognize the effort made by the government to help persons in prostitution by extending residency permits and exit programmes.

In that letter, we recognize the effort made by the government to help persons in prostitution by extending residency permits and exit programmes.

  • We request an urgent financial aid to help lift people out of poverty and the implementation of existing laws against online pimping.
  • We express our concern about the situation that puts already vulnerable women at further risk.
  • We condemn the websites facilitating the online sexual exploitation of women and children.

On a more positive note, what the lockdown has demonstrated is that it is possible to curb demand for prostitution, in fact, with political will it is possible to do so immediately. Prostitution is neither sex nor work; neither essential nor inevitable. Access to decent work and real opportunities though remains essential.

>> You can read the full letter in French here.

lettre ouverte en période de confinement : aider les plus fragiles



Camgirls: the myth of an independent pornography and real technological dystopia

According to the media, the activity of ‘camgirls’ has surged since the beginning of the lockdownrelated toCovid-19. What is it like behind the scenes for the women and girls who are mostly affected by this activity?  >>> READ

article Fondation Scelles Camgirls avril 2020


Communiqué sur le confinement

Avec la propagation du virus Covid-19, le gouvernement français a décrété l'état d'urgence sanitaire, en appelant l'ensemble de la population à rester chez elle. La Fondation Scelles souhaite faire part de ses préoccupations quant aux répercussions d'un confinement prolongé qui touche en premier lieu les victimes d'exploitation sexuelle.



En plus d'être exposées quotidiennement à l'abus sexuel avec les risques psychologiques et physiques considérables aux séquelles souvent irréversibles, les personnes en situation de prostitution sont désormais exposées à un virus potentiellement mortel. Nous pouvons également craindre le fait que certaines personnes en situation de prostitution se retrouvent enfermées avec leur proxénète et que les pressions exercées par ces derniers atteignent leur paroxysme.


Depuis plusieurs années, la Fondation Scelles alerte sur l'expansion numérique de la prostitution. Nous constatons aujourd'hui que les acteurs de l'exploitation sexuelle numérique prennent avantage de la situationi sans être réellement inquiétés. Nous reconnaissons la responsabilité des prostitueurs dans le maintien du système prostitutionnel et nous souhaitons rappeler que cette responsabilité s'étend dans le domaine du numérique. Ce sont peut-être des images sur un écran, mais ce ne sont pas des fantasmes : des femmes sont véritablement exploitées pour produire ces images par une industrie qui en tire véritablement des profits financiers considérables.


La Fondation Scelles est également préoccupée par les répercussions économiques du Covid-19 pour les femmes. Si la demande de prostitution est le véhicule du système prostitutionnel, ses victimes sont en premier lieu les femmes et filles vulnérabilisées, la vulnérabilité économique étant un facteur prépondérant et aggravant.


L'ensemble de l'équipe souhaite rappeler qu'elle reste mobilisée lors de cette période, en restant fidèle à ses mots d'ordre « Connaître, comprendre, combattre l'exploitation sexuelle ». Nous espérons que cette période de quarantaine servira à rappeler aux prostitueurs fréquents qu'on ne meurt pas de ne pas prostituer mais que le contraire est vrai.


‘Sexual assistance’: When Welfare State Becomes Pimp State


-I can’t believe it, surely, there must be something which would help you.

-Ah look, that would do it.

[Women walk on the street, the camera zooms on their bottoms.]

-I guess we’re all sick when it comes to that, aren’t we? I might be even sicker than you.

Extract from the film Untouchable (2011) by Olivier Nakache and Éric Toledano



Scene from the film Untouchable (2011)

(Screenshot: )


The film Untouchable is basedon the true story of Phillippe Pozzo di Borgo (played by François Cluzet), anuber-wealthy tetraplegic man, and his broke assistant Abdel Yasmin Sellou, played by Omar Sy. A real Frenchy feel-good movie, the film was heralded as a manifesto for anti-racism and brotherly solidarity, a touching example of men who bond despite their worlds being far apart. That solidarity is truly brotherly since it does not involve women. In one scene, Omar Sy’s character offers a ‘small gift’ to his dear friend: an ear massage for Philippe by two Asian women in prostitution - and probably a ‘happy ending’ for Omar himself[i].


Elsewhere, parents put on their brightest smiles: ‘I taught Hugo how to masturbate when he was 12’[ii]. How lovely. Having a disability is enoughto make the words ‘incest’ and ‘sexual abuse (of minors)’disappear. Were you already discriminated against because of the lack of state support? Wonderful, now you’ll also lose protection of your sexual integrity, just because of your disability.


The umpteenth debate on the notion of ‘sexual assistance’ is another occasion to recall that this practice is discriminatory both for people living with disabilities and ‘sexual assistants’. The notion reinforces the perception of people with disabilities as assisted persons, namely by reducing their autonomy even in the sexual sphere. It also instrumentalises these people in order to normalise prostitution. Overall, it conveys a negative vision of sexuality as something to be subjected to, to give away, to negotiate with - but never something to be desired. READ >>>



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The Scelles Foundation in the press

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